Sarah Stanfield

We will welcome Sarah Stanfield to our March ’24 meeting. Her love of literature as a child was encouraged by her father, who took her weekly, to her local library. Humorous books became among her favourites and the Lewis Carroll ‘Alice’ novels were a must.  Encouraged by a librarian friend Sarah began collecting editions of the author’s work and as a natural progression joined the Lewis Carroll Society.  She later began to attend their London meetings, becoming a committee member and rising to the role of Chairman.

Sarah has previously explored the influences that Lewis Carroll had on Douglas Adams when she captivated her audience with a presentation entitled ‘The Hitch-Hikers Guide to Wonderland’.  She has now turned her attention to another of her literary heroes, P. G. Wodehouse.   On close examination of the lives and literary output of both Lewis Carroll and P. G. Wodehouse, Sarah found that the two writers were linked in many unexpected ways.  Her talk will highlight these links, outlining their similarities, differences, the coincidences they share, and the cord that binds them – their joy in entertainment without a message.