Committee from L to R Janet, Brian, Louise, Lois
Chichester Literary Society
The Committee
Patron: Simon Brett
Secretary: Janet Smith
Membership Secretary: Acting Janet/Brian
Treasurer: Brian French
Events Organiser: Louise James
Publicity: Lois Coulthart
Website: Lois Coulthart

Annual Subscription 2025 Due January 8th, 2025
Individual Membership £50
Joint Membership £90
Visitors £8, Students £2 per meeting
Please make cheques payable to Chichester Literary Society and send to
Dr. Brian French, 8, Barncroft Close, Tangmere, Chichester, PO20 2FE or pay by online Bank Transfer (Chichester Literary Society, Sort Code 20 20 65, Account No:50407992 + your surname and initials + ‘Subs ’25’ for reference).
Chichester Literary Society
Membership Form 2025
Application for Membership 2025 Subscriptions due January 8th, 2025
First Name/s ……………………………………………… Mr./Mrs/Miss
………………………………………………………. Postcode: ……………
Telephone: …………………………………………….
Email: …………………………………………………….
Please tick appropriate subscription box:
( ) Individual Membership £50
( ) Joint Membership £90 (any two people living at the same address)
( ) I have paid by BACS (bank transfer) on (date) ____/____/____ to Chichester Literary Society
Sort Code: 20 20 65 Account No. 50407992
( ) I am enclosing a cheque for £ ………. payable to Chichester Literary Society
Membership covers entrance and light refreshments at meetings. Visitors/Guests £8 per meeting. All our events take place at Boxgrove Village Hall at 1.30 for 2pm on the first Wednesday of each month.
Your membership details will be kept safely and securely in accordance with the latest data protection legislation. These details will only be used by the Chichester Literary Society to keep in touch with you. Your details will not be shared with any third party.
Please return completed form (with cheque if applicable) to CLS Treasurer, Brian French, 8, Barncroft Close, Tangmere, Chichester, PO20 2FE. Cash/cheques and completed forms can be accepted from the November ’24 meeting.
About The Society
Chichester Literary Society, despite its name, is not elitist. If you love books – and learning about writers and their lives – then this Society is for you.
With our programme of talks and social events, we aim to promote love of the written word in whatever form it takes, be it prose or verse, the classics or more modern writers. In addition to talks by writers and literary experts, there are two annual social events – a summer party with readings and a Christmas social.
If you wish to contact a member of the committee please use the Contact Us page and we will respond as soon as possible.

The Chichester Literary Society was formed in January 2005. Its predecessor, the West Sussex Literary Society (founded by Irene Campbell) was disbanded and the new society formed in response to the wishes of members, who wanted a Chichester-based society, rather than one whose meetings were held in different locations around the county.
The new Society was an instant success and local crime writer Simon Brett agreed to continue as our Patron.
Since its formation, the Society has gone from strength to strength. Throughout the year it offers a wide range of talks by speakers on many literary subjects. Distinguished past speakers have included actor and broadcaster Gabriel Woolf, Peter Spence, Colin Wilcockson, biographers Valerie Grove and Anne Harvey, as well as our Patron, Simon Brett.